Summer3p festival history
Summer3p festival was first held in 2003 with the aim to provide quality entertainment to young people in the region and to facilitate the penetration of global trends in music, film, fashion and style. The very idea of the festival sparked when a small group of people, dissatisfied with the quality of entertainment in and around Subotica, decided to create their own party. For the venue of that first party, which lasted only one night, they selected the thermal pool in Palic. Later, the festival expanded to the entire area of Men’s Lido, but the thermal pool remained the party core of the event.
For the first two years, the festival lasted one day only, but reactions of the visitors were very positive. So in 2005 the festival extended its program to eight days, and nine in 2006. This proved to be an excellent move by the organizers. This way, what started as a one-night party turned into a real mini festival that, over the last couple of years grew to a four-day celebration: Electronic Music Festival Summer 3p, held in the second half of July. Each year, visitors enjoy the music of a variety of DJs, while indulging in the delights of thermal water with their favorite drink in hand. The festival has an educational character as well, especially in the field of tolerance, which is implemented by organizing creative workshops, all with the support of federal and regional institutions.
The name Summer3p is a result of a casual conversation between organizers, who came up with the idea to use four words to, as simply as possible, describe the festival and then translate them into English. Those words were: leto, bazen, Palic and zurka. When these words are translated into English we get the following: summer, pool, party, Palic. Combining the first word with the remaining three words we get Summerppp or the name Summer3p. Everyone liked the name so it became the official title of the festival, throughout all the years of its existence.
Presentation of high-quality cultural content presumes eventually raising the level of culture of the audience. It is also expected to increase the level of tolerance of participants, through social interaction and engagement in creative workshops, as well as through indirect influence of the entire environment of the festival.
Due to the fact that the festival includes a large number of visitors and performers in one place, new contacts among the participants are expected, as is their contribution to multicultural exchange and social interaction.
This festival, with its cultural and educational content, adds to local and regional cultural programs of the Vojvodina Secretariat for Culture and Information, as well as local and regional institutions such as the Vojvodina Secretariat for Sport and Youth. The message of the festival, STOP THE VIOLENCE, fits into the efforts of responsible regional and federal institutions, aimed at raising the overall level of tolerance and reducing the number of incidents between members of different ethnic communities in Vojvodina.
Summer3p 2003.
The first Summer3p festival was held in 2003, by the thermal pool in Palic, and it presented a side-event and support for the Palic European Film festival. The idea of the organizers was to present some sort of entertainment for the visitors of the film festival, because it was believed that the entertainment offer at the time was insufficient and of poor quality. The organizers then decided that the first Summer3p should be held on the closing day of the European Film festival. The main sponsors of the festival and the parties were Lav Beer (Lav pivo) and British American Tobacco. Aside from the two general sponsors, there were a number of minor sponsors as well. All preparations have been made and everything was ready for the party to begin.
Unfortunately, the first Summer3p was not held as scheduled, since from that day on, the weather had changed for the worse and it was raining the whole day afterwards. The organizers decided to move the party from Wednesday to Saturday.
The program and the organization of the first festival / party Summer3p was not even close to its current level. By the thermal pool, simple bar tables were set, for selling drinks chilled overnight in a refrigerator. As for the rest of the program, there was a fashion show as well and a Miss wet T-shirts contest. As for the music part of the program, two DJs from Subotica, Gustav Junior and Pauscrowa were in charge, performing on an improvised stage.
Although it was a fairly simple endeavor, the first Summer3p was still very successful. Despite bad weather, which caused the organizers to move the date of the festival, the reaction of around 1000 visitors, was extremely positive and everyone wanted more. This success encouraged organizers and it was clear that the whole event had huge potential and a bright future.
Summer3p 2005.
The third Summer3p was held from 16th to 23rd of July 2005. The extension of the festival to eight days made a significant step forward in the organization. Aside from that, there has also been an expansion of certain segments of the program, increase in the number of the visitors, in the number of people involved in the organization and more highlighted promotional activities. From this year on, an official festival website has been introduced as well. All these changes have proven to be an excellent move by the organizers and what started as a one-night party turned into a real mini festival. An increase in the number of sponsors has enabled the higher quality of the music program. Visitors were now able to enjoy a variety of DJs while at the same time having fun and relaxing in the pool. The actual space of the festival slowly expanded onto the whole territory of the Men’s Lido. Starting from this year, the organizers introduced sports activities and competitions in beachvolley- held on Men’s Lido volleyball courts during the day, as well as art workshops. They also launched campaigns such as Stop the Violence and Protect the Nature. One of the changes was also a new, larger and more modern festival stage on which the DJs performed. From this year on, the festival announces its official accreditations for all employees as well as for certain guests and festival sponsors.
Summer3p was organized in parallel with the Palic European Film Festival, thus continuing a successful two-year long collaboration.
Summer3p 2006.
In 2006 the duration of the festival was nine days, from 14th to 22nd of July. One of the most important changes is the inclusion of Apatin brewery (Apatinska pivara) as the general sponsor of the festival, as well as joining forces with the Focus Foundation, which still provides very important support for the event. Organizers did their best to give visitors a more interesting and diverse program. The festival included performances from around 20 foreign and domestic performers. A larger number of creative workshops were organized for the visitors of the festival. These included a photography, literary, musical, psychodrama, art, journalism, environmental, Esperanto and video workshop. As for sport events, various tournaments were organized too: beachvolley, water volleyball, badminton and table tennis. During the festival, the organizers once again promoted Stop the Violence and Protect the Nature campaigns. An important detail was providing suitable accommodation for the visitors in a form of a nearby camp site. As a part of the European Film Festival Palic, short form movies from European authors were shown every day.
The idea to extend the duration of the festival to nine days, without any significant changes in the price of tickets, as well as increasing the cost of the festival for the sake of quality, has not been proven very successful. Festival attendance was only slightly higher than last year, which meant certain losses.
Summer3p 2007.
In 2007, the festival assumed a similar form as today. The duration of the festival was compressed to four days, from 26th to 29th of July (Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday).
Apart from the thermal pool stage, called Moon Stage, the organizers added another stage, located at the Men's Lido, called Sun Stage, a place for daytime music programs. The following year, the stage was canceled and the daytime music program was moved to the Club Del Lago terrace (Lago Lounge Stage) that dominates the territory of the male strand.
It should be noted that this festival was accessible to virtually everyone, including those who maybe could not afford a visit to some of the world's top festivals. This is in sync with one of the goals of the organizers and that is to bring contemporary music and culture to a wider audience.
Summer3p is becoming more and more present in the media. So far it had a significant presence at the national level through Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) and radio B92, and at the local level through Subotica television as well as other local television stations such as Yu-eco and K23. In the future, media coverage of the festival is expected to grow exponentially. Promotional activities are planned in all major cities of Vojvodina, as well as presentations at other festivals in the region.
The festival is slowly reaching an international character, with a special focus on the region. It gathers visitors from the region, mostly young people to whom the goal is not just to have fun but to achieve something more, a desire to experience something new. Therefore we can also discuss a certain subcultural character of the festival.
As for music, artists such as James Allardyce, Alex Meshkov, Anton Kubikov and other DJs and artists from Serbia and the region have performed at the festival. As for side-events, this year the festival has organized, traditionally, a number of workshops, campaigns and sport activities. Also, film screenings at the Men’s Lido café terrace (in collaboration with the European Film Festival Palic).
This year’s decision, based on feasibility projections and optimal profitability, to compress the festival program in four days, proved to be a success. The fifth annual Summer3p festival was better and of higher quality than all the previous ones, for both the audience and the organizers of the event.
Summer3p 2009.
Summer3p 2011.

Summer3p 2013.
In february 2013, the "Summer3p Festival Night" was held at a local cocktail bar called "Flair Bar" as a small introduction and promotion of "Summer3p 2013" which was held from 18th to 21st of July 2013 at the already well-established venue of the "gigantic jacuzzi" at Palić.
Apart from great electronic music and performances by domestic and international performers from Hungary, Greece and Germany there was also an eventful daily programme with numerous workshops and social responsibility campaigns among which we should mention "The sound of birds" initiated in 2013. This campaign represents a combination of creative workshops and "eco-art" with the goal of finding innovative ways of environmental protection through different activities.
After more than a decade, the Festival had its first share of bad luck (apart from the weather) when German dj Alex Niggemann unfortunately missed his flight and was unable to perform Saturday night. However, due to great contacts which "Summer3p" has with the Hungarian electronic music scene, an adequate replacement was quickly found - dj Invoice went on to make a terrific party much to the satisfaction of all visitors whose number was approximately 7000 for the entire four days.
As well as the previous year, the "Summer3p" festival went on with additional activities throughout the entire year. Once again, there were several small events and promotional activities during November and February. Free entrance was provided to all these events, same as before, which attracted a larger number of visitors to each event.
Summer3p 2015.
"Summer3p" Festival 2015, the thirteenth in a row, was held from 23rd to 26th of July and it had the best production of all the previous ones, with the most foreign performers so far. As a novelty, this year's program was enriched with a second stage (Camp Live Stage) located in the area of the car camp where visitors were able to enjoy in free concerts of various performers during Friday and Saturday.
As in previous years, a rich music program was followed by a variety of full-day activities aimed at all ages through numerous workshops and sports competitions.
According to an old well-known custom and rule, a storm once again attempted to spoil the festive mood. This time it happened just before the start of the program on Saturday night. Nevertheless, the atmosphere got heated very quickly and faithful visitors together with the performers managed to elevate the mood and "revive" the party making it one of the most visited in the last five years despite the poorer weather conditions.
As well as in previous years, there were also several post-festival activities throughout the year. One of those is the November "Summer3p" postfestum event held in the "Klein House" where there was an art exhibition (TNG art), "Footprint3p" workshop and a showcase of festival photos and video materials. All of this was accompanied by three performers (Ascaloon, Chrono and Digress) who rounded the entire event with their performances. A week later, there was also a free party at the Women's Lido in Palic with performances by several artists. As a prelude to 2016, "Summer3p Spring3p" was held in April and it was visited by a record number of 400 people. This was yet another free party at the Women's Lido for all lovers of electronic music with performances by five DJ-s. This party showed that the "Summer3p" Festival still has its loyal audience hungry for good quality entertainment in 2016.
Summer3p 2016.
The 14th consecutive "Summer3p" Festival was held from 21st to 24th of July 2017 in a slightly different format than previous years.This year's novelty was the Family Day (Sunday) during which visitors from 5 to 10 P.M. had the opportunity to enjoy various daily contents intended for the whole family. The introduction of this content has proven to be quite successful because during this day the festival was visited by over 1,000 people, including many families with children. Visitors had the opportunity to enjoy workshops, concerts, sports activities, exhibitions and other attractive contents intended for the whole family. Such expansion of the festival program represented a significant step forward, adapting the festival program for younger audiences also.
As before, the organization of several post-festival activities was continued throughout the year. One of those is the November "Summer3p" post-festum event held at Women's Beach accompanied with performances by four DJs (Ascaloon, Chrono, Needle, Mad Mat), as well as "Spring3p Party" held in May. The entrance for all post-festival events was free once again to all fans of electronic music and good fun who have gladly accepted the invitation and thus made the best announcement for the upcoming Summer3p Festival 2017.
Summer3p 2017
The fifteenth Summer3p Festival was held in the period from July 20th to July 23rd, 2017. Considering the celebration of such an important anniversary, the organizers of the festival have invested the maximum effort to make the best festival so far in terms of production. The guests of the festival were entertained by two great stars, Eric Sneo with live act on drum pedals and the Irish duo Loco & Jam along with great performers from Malta who passed on the atmosphere of phenomenal Maltese parties to Palić Men’s Beach. There were also several other performers from the region (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary), as well as numerous local performers supporting the festival year after year.
Last year's novelty in the program, the family day, was extremely successful this year with rich content in the form of numerous performances, sports events, concerts, exhibitions and workshops that were the most numerous and most visited so far. This is a very positive sign and a confirmation that the introduction of this family day was an excellent move by the organizer. The long tradition of the Summer3p festival, as well as the long-standing cooperation with numerous organizations, led to the establishment of a new cooperation with the Dev9t festival from Belgrade in the form of scenography as well as guest artists with their exhibitions.
This year's festival attendance has remained at a similar level as in previous years; however, based on the age structure of visitors, the increasing number of young people leaving the country is more and more visible.

Summer3p 2018
Šesnaesti Summer3p festival održan je od 19. do 22. Jula 2018. godine na prostoru Termalnog bazena na Paliću. Jedn član organizacije (tehnički direktor) napustio je Srbiju pa je cela organizacija festivala urađena sa jednim čovekom manje. Dobra podela posla rezultirala je veoma uspešnom organizacijom svih segmenata u pripremi i implementaciji. Festival je programski bio najsadržajniji do sada a glavne zvezde bili su Uto Karm iz Italije i Silicone Soul iz Engleske. Programski je urađena jedna novina a to e da su u Četvrtak festival otvorili live nastupi članova sastava Bad Copy, Ajs Nigrutina uz kojeg je rime bacao i Timbe. Četvrtak je programski bio osmišljen da predstavi jedan novi trendi pravac u muzici a to je Trap. Nastupilo je pet izvođača ovog muzičkog pravca a odziv, pre svega mlade publike bio je zadovoljavajući.
Kao i ptredhodnih godina, održano je mnogo radionica, sportskih turnira i raznih prezentacija, kojih je ove godine bilo više nego do sada. Ono što je poremetilo ceo doživljaj je kiša koja je u obliku provale oblaka i kišne zavese padala u Subotu od ponoći do 3 ujutro. Nevreme sa kišom kakvo se ne pamti na Paliću učinilo je da ceo festival u jednom trenutku „pliva“ na 15 centimetara vode. Bio je to pravi tročasovni potop, ali program nijednog trenutka nije bio prekinut a publika je đuskala na kiši i čini se da im nije smetalo to što su potpuno mokri.
Posećenost festivala bila je na nivou predhodnih godina a da nije bilo nevremena u Subotu uveče, bilo bi 20% više ljudi. Bio je ovo Summer3p koji ćemo pamtiti.